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100% Organic Materials, Plastic Free Packaging, Tree Planting, 10% Of Profits To Charity

About us

The name 'Thirsty Egos' represents the devastating environmental impacts of the fashion industry, particularly related to water usage and pollution. These impacts stem from the thirst of our egos to look good. As a society, our egos are never satisfied and always thirsty. We always want the pieces that are trending or look nice, while we hesitate to wear the same clothing multiple times because we're worried about what other people think.

We're not saying sustainable fashion means you're not allowed to look stylish, far from it. In fact that's why we created the brand. As environmentally conscious consumers ourselves, we want to be able to buy the same products we like without any compromise in quality, while being sustainably produced. However, we would often spend hours browsing online for what we wanted, without being able to find sustainable clothes that match our sense of fashion. On the rare occasion that we could find something that matched our criteria, it would be out of stock, or too expensive. That’s why we want to make stylish sustainable fashion available to everyone. We want to show that sustainable fashion is the best fashion.

Impact Of Fashion

60% of clothing is made from Plastic and 99% goes to landfill or recineration, equalling 40 tonnes burned or buried per second. Just take a second to picture that. 2400 tonnes of clothes buried or burned every minute.

As well as this, the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of the world’s carbon emissions, and is the second biggest polluter and consumer of the world’s water. According to UNCTAD in 2019, the fashion industry currently uses 93 billion cubic metres of water each year, and is predicted to double by 2030. That's enough water to quench the first of 110 million people. So the fashion industry needs to find ways to minimze its water consumption and environmental impact.

But according to Life Cycle Analysis, on average, by using organic methods a huge 7502 litres of water is saved per cotton t-shirt. So if we are looking to be more considerate to the environment and conserve natural resources, producing clothes via organic cotton instead of regular cotton will go a long way to achieving environmental sustainability.

Other facts relating to the impacts of the fashion industry:

  • Up to 700,000 micro-plastics are released on every wash containing garments made from plastic.
  • 50% of people throw unwanted clothing into landfill, where it can take up to 200 years to decompose. These plastics make the soil toxic, making it hard for carbon-reducing wildlife in the soil to recover. These small plastics also make their way into our water and food.
  • Fashion industry accounts for 20% of wastewater.
  • 70 million barrels of oil are used every year to make plastic based clothing
  • 40% of clothing purchased in some countries is never used.

From unpredictable rainfall patterns to shrinking ice sheets, rising sea levels, floods and droughts– most impacts of climate change come down to water. Our aim at Thirsty Egos is to provide a solution to consumers, that helps tackle these problems, and quenches our thirst for the world's most important resource, water.

100% Organic cotton

No pesticides or chemicals, lower CO2 Emissions, uses 91% less water, and results in 98% less water pollution. Better for the skin and the Planet.

1 Tree Planted for Every Order

We've partnered up with Sprout to donate enough money to plant a tree for every order. Why trees? Trees restore Biodiversity, absorb CO2 and reduce the impacts of storm and flood water, while alleviating the impact of drought, improve water quality, reduce soil erosion, and help keep rivers cool. We need them.

10% of profits go to charity

We want to be a force for good. Therefore 10% of our annual profits will be donated to charities which help those less fortunate, or charities that help preserve our environment.

Plastic Free Packaging

By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. So instead of plastic based packaging, we use 100% degradable plant based packaging.

All Stock is shipped to us instead of flown

Long-haul flights emit 47 times more greenhouse gasses than ocean freight per ton a mile, so why would we ever choose for our products to be flown over?